Murcia Tramway increases its growth by 14% compared to 2023

Tranvía de Murcia continues to grow in number of users, increasing demand by 14%, which in absolute terms means 1,020,611 more trips than in 2023, reaching a total figure of 8,371,020 annual trips.
Comparing the figures of users of the T Murcia with the statistics recently published by the INE, the growth of this mode of public transport in Murcia follows the trend of urban transport at the national level, although it presents a year-on-year growth more than doubles the average of the country in all months.
The month with the highest travel demand in 2024 was October with 945,081 trips and the month with the highest relative growth was January with 39% over the same month in 2023. In terms of daily travel demand, the record in a conventional working day took place on October 31 with 40,065 trips, only surpassed by two unique days, where two characteristics to take into account converged, local holidays with massive influx to the city center and free public transport, such as Tuesday April 2, the Bando de la Huerta, with 42. 826 trips and Saturday, April 6, the Burial of the Sardine with an absolute record of streetcar trips reaching 44,216 trips in this mode of high-capacity transport.
These data show that the high-capacity transport service provided by the tramway offers the most attractive and efficient alternative for urban and metropolitan mobility in Murcia. Tramway of Murcia is the preferred means of transport by the citizens.