Murcia Tramway maintains a high level of satisfaction with the overall assessment of the service.


Murcia Tramway maintains a high level of satisfaction with the overall assessment of the service.

Murcia Tramway maintains a high level of satisfaction with the overall assessment of the service.

Tranvía de Murcia has once again obtained an overall satisfaction index of 8.7 out of ten from the users surveyed in 2024. Tranvía de Murcia, thus achieves the second highest overall satisfaction score of the service by users of the entire historical series since measurements began in 2012.

98% of the people surveyed say they are satisfied or very satisfied with the service offered by the Murcia Tram. Of these, 57% said they were very satisfied, which confirms the high degree of user satisfaction with the service.

All the attributes consulted obtained average scores above 8 out of 10, which means that tramway users rate the activity, actions and service provided by the Murcia Tram very highly. The most highly valued attributes include environmental contribution (9.4 out of ten), communication campaigns (9.2), lighting (9.1) and problem-solving capacity, as well as the image of conductors and staff, accessibility to stops and punctuality (9.0). The least valued attribute (8.2) is comfort, derived from the significant growth of passengers who rely on the streetcar as their main means of transport in recent years, since from 2022 to 2024 there have been annual increases of 28% and 22% respectively, with an impact on the level of streetcar occupancy. The attributes that improve their evaluation with respect to 2023 stand out positively, such as communication campaigns, smoothness in driving and punctuality, a fundamental parameter in a public transport service to gain the trust of its users.

The survey reflects the important environmental contribution of the tramway to the municipality, as it is a clean, ecological, high-capacity transport system that avoids the emission of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, key to the establishment of low emission zones (ZBE) according to European mandate.

100% of the people surveyed support the extension of the Murcia Tramway, making it a key axis of mobility in the city and its connection with the pedanías. Specifically, 46% of those surveyed consider that the most urgent and necessary extension would be towards El Palmar; followed by users who support extensions towards Molina de Segura (31%), Alcantarilla (19%) and other districts (4%). 96% of those surveyed consider the tramway to be one of the main means of public transport in Murcia, mainly because of its comfort, use and route or stops.

A total of 612 surveys were carried out, giving a confidence level of 95%. Among the sample profile, 55% are students (University of Murcia, Catholic University, schools, colleges, institutes and regulated education centers), followed by 27% workers. 64% of those surveyed are residents in Murcia city, and 23% in the districts. Among the most used transport tickets, the Bono Murcia stands out, with 59%, followed by the Bono Murcia Estudiante (10%) and the Unibono estudiante de viajes ilimitados (8%).

We invite you to consult the results of the survey by clicking here.