Parla Tramway exceeds 7 million passengers by 2024


Parla Tramway exceeds 7 million passengers by 2024

Parla Tramway exceeds 7 million passengers by 2024

Tranvía de Parla continues its growth as a means of transport in Parla, reaching record figures in 2024. In a period of three years, it has experienced exceptional growth in the number of users, consolidating its position as a sustainable and efficient mobility option. 

In 2022, the service carried 5,056,763 passengers, while in 2024 the figure reached 7,013,534 users, an increase of 1,956,771 in just two years.

The most significant growth occurred between 2022 and 2023, when the number of users increased by 1,216,799 people, a growth of 24.06%. A rate that did not stop in 2024, closing with 739,972 more travelers than the previous year.

This increase of almost 40% in the last three years highlights the positive impact of the Parla Tram on urban mobility. 

The constant increase in the number of passengers underlines the success of the initiatives implemented in recent years and marks a promising path towards a future where public transport remains the first choice for citizens.

Sustainable, innovative, effective and efficient transport is the backbone of the city's mobility.